Social media platforms are forever changing the image sizes and formats, so to keep you all updated I have re-created the 2019 social media image sizes cheat sheet and updated it to 2020.

The need for strong social media presence has soared in 2016 and will only increase in prominence in 2019. This is why you really need to keep up to speed with your business / brand / personal profiles, and to optimize them with the right images to represent you!

“The 2020 Social Media Image Sizes Guide” below explains to you what the best image sizes are for each social network and the image types to use. Every major social media platform is listed on here so you’re up-to-date with social media platform optimization.

This year I’ve added in two new platforms to the list. With the growing popularity of  Chinese social media networks, it’s only right that I include WeChat and Weibo.

I’ve also added in Ello social media image sizes as well, as I know a few of you guys are starting to use that platform more and more.

Also this graphic displays specific dimensions and we have also added some very quick tips and insights to help you make your mind up on what photo to use on what social media platform.

I hope you find this graphic as useful as the last few I did in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019


Good luck people! Get social media image optimizing 🙂 !

To help you further with building your social media audience, why not try out for free ( 30 days )
You also get a further 15% discount ( exclusive only to ) on all Sendible packages when you sign up using this link

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

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Social Media Platforms Optimized Image Sizes 2020

Get your social media platforms optimized with the right image sizes and stand out from the crowd. From Twitter and Pinterest to Instagram and Facebook image sizes, we have the complete guide right here in one clear infographic! We have even added two Chinese Social Networks – Weibo & We Chat!.

With the ever growing need to have a strong social media presence for your business / brand / personal profiles, it’s so important to optimize them with the right images to represent you.

To help you get the most out of your social media profiles, we’ve produced an infographic “The 2019 Social Media Image Sizes Guide” that tells you the best image sizes for each social network and image types; and to make certain that you’re up-to-date with social media platform optimization. This graphic will be constantly updated, so if the networks change their formats, we will be the first to show it in this graphic.

Not only do we list the specific dimensions, we’ve have also added some very quick tips and insights to help you decide what photo to use in what platform.

Along with the mobile revolution, the demand for social networking has probably taken the world by storm!
Whether it is for a business or a brand or a personal profile, there is a growing need to stay active on social media sites.

You are probably reading this article because you are looking for ways to optimise your social media presence.
And you would agree that images have a strong bearing on the way your social media profile is perceived or remembered!

But, with so many social media platforms, how do you remember the various image size optimisation guidelines?

A cool tip is to bookmark this blog post and the related infographic to stay updated with any changes to the social media image size optimisation rules.
In this article, we lay out a 2015 brief guide to social media image sizes or dimensions for the top social media websites.

Twitter Image Sizing Tips

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Profile Photo: 400 x 400 pixels / Displays at 200 x 200 pixels (a maximum 100 KB file size)

It is often said that the “first impression is the last impression”!
Your Twitter profile picture is your main identification mark that will be visible to everyone. It will be visible on your home page, on the Twitter stream of your followers whenever you Tweet and so on.
Since it represents you or your brand, the image should be of the highest quality.

Header Photo: 1500 x 500 pixels (a maximum 10 MB file size)

You can use an eye-catchy, creative image for your high-resolution header photo on your Twitter profile page. As a business, your Twitter page header photo should be in sync with your logo, tagline and brand.

In-stream Photo: 440 x 220 pixels (a maximum 5 MB file size for photos and 3 MB file size for animated gifs)

You can post up to four pictures along with your tweets on this platform. For every in-stream picture, an image link is created which takes up the Twitter character space. You simply need to maintain the 2:1 ratio of the images which can be reduced to a smaller version to effectively fit your follower’s stream.

Image Sizing Advice for Facebook

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Cover Photo: 820 x 310 pixels (a preferred maximum file size of 100 KB)
You can edit and add creative images as your cover photo that represents you or your business in the correct sense. – Appear on page at 820 x 310 pixels
– Anything less will be stretched.
– Minimum size of 399 x 150 pixels.
– Smartphones display as 640 x 360
– For best results, upload an RGB  / JPG file less than 100 KB.
– Images with a logo or text maybe best as a PNG file.

Profile Picture: 180 x 180 pixels
Unlike the cover photo, which only appears on your Facebook page, your Facebook profile picture will be seen on your page, on posts where you comment, on the timelines of others where you post messages, in search results of Facebook’s Open Graph and so on. In short, it represents you at most places on the largest social networking platform.

Shared Image: 1200 x 630 pixels
You can engage your friends or business followers in meaningful conversations by sharing useful images on your Facebook timeline. These will appear in the news feeds of your friends and followers. Check this post for more information on image sizes for Facebook

Shared Link: 1200 x 627

Image Guidelines:
– Recommended upload size of 1200 x 627
– Square Photo: Minimum 154 x 154px in feed.
– Square Photo: Minimum 116 x 116 on page.
– Rectangular Photo: Minimum 470 x 246 pixels in feed.
– Rectangular Photo: Minimum 484 x 252 pixels on page.

Facebook will scale photos under the minimum dimensions. For better results, increase image resolution at the same scale as the minimum size.

Event Image: 1920 x 1080 px
Image Guidelines
– Facebook will scale down to minimum dimensions: 470 × 174 pixels.
– Shows in feed: 470 × 174 pixels.

Highlighted Image: 1200 x 717 pixels
Image Guidelines
– Will appear on your page at 843 x 504 pixels.
– Choose a higher resolution at that scale for better quality.

Image Sizing Guidelines for Google+

Profile Image: 250 x 250 pixels
Again, this picture will be your identity across the Google+ network. Even though the dimensions are for a square image, your Google+ profile picture appears as a circle. So, you need to take special care of how your image looks without the important parts being cut out.

Cover Picture: 1 080 x 608 pixels
You can use a large picture representing your brand, logo and business tagline as your Google+ cover image.

Shared Image: 497 x 373 pixels
You can share images on your Google+ posts and indicate the specific “circles” with whom you want to share the image and for whom it may be more relevant. Remember, such images (along with the associated text) are likely to turn up in the Google search engine for search queries related to your posts or business.

Instagram Image Sizing Rules

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Profile Picture: 110 x 110 pixels

Photo Size: 1080 x 1080 pixels

Video to Stories: 750 x 1334 pixels

On Instagram, you can upload a video to your timeline or share it to Instagram stories. The correct size to use will be determined by where you publish it.

The maximum duration of the video should be 10 seconds.

Photo Thumbnails: 161 x 161 pixels
For all types of Instagram images, you need to maintain an aspect ratio of 1:1. So, all your images will appear in square dimensions. You need to take special care with the image quality because limited text content is shared on this platform. It is more about the pictures and visuals!

Recommended Image Sizes for Pinterest

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Profile Picture: 165 x 165 pixels
A Pinterest profile picture may not be as important as that of Facebook or Twitter profile pictures. However, you still need to use a nice one. After all, anyone who arrives at your board or pins through the keyword search will probably have a look at your profile too.

Board Display Image: 222 x 150 pixels
Use eye-catchy images for posting on the relevant Pinterest boards.

Pin Sizes: a width of 238 pixels (with scaled height)
Though these are the dimensions for your Pinterest pins, expanded pins will have a minimum width of 600 pixels. You can post larger images (as only the width is fixed, while the length can be scaled further up) for better engagement and more re-pins or likes.

Optimisation Rules for Tumblr Image Sizes

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Profile Image: 128 x 128 pixels
You can use a good looking square profile picture that visually represents you or your business on Tumblr. It will appear on your profile page, next to the button to “follow” you when someone lands on your page and as thumbnails next to your posts in your follower’s feeds.

Image Posts: 500 x 750 pixels
You can post images with up to 10 MB file sizes (except for animated gifs which should not be more than 1 MB). You can thus upload really high-quality pictures for your Tumblr posts.

YouTube Image Sizing Guidelines

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Channel Cover Picture: 2560 x 1440 pixels (for desktop), 1855 x 423 pixels (for tablets), 1546 x 423 pixels (for smartphones), and 2560 x 1440 pixels (for TV)

The sizes are optimised for the different platforms as YouTube videos are often streamed using any of the above mentioned platforms. Also, the video channel cover image should tell your viewers more about the kind of videos that they will probably be able to view on your channel.

Video Uploads: 1280 x 760 pixels

You know that YouTube is a video sharing site and not an image sharing one. So, you need to maintain this resolution (about 16:9 aspect ratio) for the videos that you upload.

Image Size Optimisation for LinkedIn

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Personal Background image: 1584 x 396px

Standard Logo: 400 x 400 pixels

Profile image: 400 x 400 pixels
– Recommended between 400 x 400 & 20,000 x 20,000 pixels
– Minimum 200 x 200 pixels
– 10mb maximum file size / JPG, GIF or PNG files only

Linkedin Brand / Company Pages Image Sizes

Background image: 1536 x 768px
Recommended:1536 x 768 pixels.
Minimum size of 1192 x 220.
Maximum 4MB.
Appears as 1400 x 425 pixels.
Image types include: PNG, JPG or GIF.

Standard Logo: 400 x 400px
Image Guidelines
– 400 x 400 pixels recommended
(300 x 300 minimum and resized to fit).
– Maximum 4 MB (Square layout).
– PNG, JPG or GIF.

One of the two brand logos that you should be uploading to LinkedIn is the business logo. This is the bigger of the two and is going to show up right next to your brand name on your LinkedIn homepage. This image also appears in the “Companies you may want to follow” section, so the more enticing the photo the more likely the followers!

Business / Career Cover Picture: 974 x 330 pixels

Image Guidelines:
Minimum 974 x 330 pixels.
Maximum 2 MB.
Landscape Layout.

At the top of this page sits a banner that is bigger than any of the other images on LinkedIn. You can use this space to choose a picture that speaks to your company in order to attract some great potential employees.

Square Logo: 60 x 60px
Image Guidelines
– 60 x 60 pixels (resized to fit).
– Maximum 2 MB.
– PNG, JPG or GIF.

This is the brand image that shows up when your company is searched. Make sure you use something recognizable to your brand to make sure customers know which company they want to click on.

Business Banner Image: 646 x 220 pixels
Image Guidelines
– Minimum 646 x 220 pixels.
– Maximum 2 MB.
– Landscape Layout.
– PNG, JPG or GIF.

Banner images is one of the newest and most prominent of the images that you can use on LinkedIn. This image appears when a user visits your brand’s homepage. Since this image is located on your homepage it’s likely the visitor is actively searching for your brand, so use this opportunity to reel them in with a great image.

Standard Logo: 400 x 400px
Image Guidelines
– 400 x 400 pixels recommended
(300 x 300 minimum and resized to fit).
– Maximum 4 MB (Square layout).
– PNG, JPG or GIF.

One of the two brand logos that you should be uploading to LinkedIn is the business logo. This is the bigger of the two and is going to show up right next to your brand name on your LinkedIn homepage. This image also appears in the “Companies you may want to follow” section, so the more enticing the photo the more likely the followers!

Image Size Optimisation for Ello

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Banner image: 2560 x 1440 pixels
Profile image:360 x 360 pixels

Image Size Optimisation for WeChat

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Profile Photo: 200 x 200 pixels

– Square Image – Recommended 200 x 200 pixels. JPG, GIF, or PNG.
– For best results, upload an RGB
– Images with a logo or text maybe best as a PNG file.

Article Preview Header: 900 x 500 pixels

The article preview header image spans the top of your account post. It’s quite larger than the other article preview thumbnails images so you have much more room to be creative with this picture. Since it will probably be the first place a visitor’s eyes will fall, these images tend to be the most captivating.

– Recommended 900 x 500 pixels.
– Maximum file size: 2 MB.
– JPG, GIF, or PNG.
– For best results, upload an RGB
– Images with a logo or text maybe best as a PNG file.

Article Preview Thumbnail Image: 400 x 400 pixels ( Displays at 200 x 200 pixels )

Article Preview Thumbnail is uploaded but does not need to appear in stream in published articles

– Square Image – Recommended 400 x 400 pixels.
– Minimum file size: 200 x 200 pixels.
– JPG, GIF, or PNG.
– For best results, upload an RGB
– Images with a logo or text might be best as a PNG file.

Article Inline Image: 400 px x Any size px

Displays at a width of 400 pixels, but higher resolution is recommended.
– Maximum file size: 2 MB.
– JPG, GIF, or PNG.
– For best results, upload an RGB
– Images with a logo or text might be best as a PNG file.

Image Size Optimisation for Weibo

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Cover Image: 920 x 300 px
Recommended 920 x 300 pixels. Maximum file size of 5MB. JPG, GIF, or PNG.

Profile Pictures 200 x 200px (Displays at 100 x 100 px)
Cropped as a circle, so be careful of cropping on text or logos.
Displays throughout the site as 100×100, 50×50, 30×30
Square Image – Recommended 200 x 200 pixels. Minimum 100 x 100 pixels. JPG, GIF, or PNG.

Banner: 560 x 260 px
Maximum file size of 5MB. JPG, GIF, or PNG.

Instream: 120 x 120 px

Up to 9 images of any dimensions under 5MB can be uploaded to a single post, and may be accompanied by a video.

Posts with a single image have a preview thumbnail that resizes the image at its original proportions so the largest dimension is 120 px.

Contest Preview: 640 x 640 px
The square-shaped contest preview displays at 288 x 288 pixels in the sidebar of the account’s main blog page and full size at 640 x 640 pixels on the dedicated contest page. This image can be uploaded independently of the long form contest poster.

Square Image – 640 x 640 pixels. Maximum file size of 5MB. JPG, GIF, or PNG.

Image Size Optimisation for Snapchat

2020 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat Sheet

Geofilter: 1080 x 1920

All photos taken in the app are 1080 x 1920. Custom geo-filters must be created in this size to be applied properly on a photo taken within the app.

For this professional social networking platform, you should make sure that all your images are embedded with text to add more contexts.

Also, make sure that you use creativity to showcase the most relevant things about your business and brand in the banner image as well as in your cover image.

It is bound to get you connected and engaged with more professionals. Even from a personal profile perspective, you can leverage the most out of this platform by having creative images to make professionals sit up and take notice.

If you enjoyed this infographic be sure to check out our popular guides on the best laptops for graphic designershow to start a blog, the best WordPress Hosting and the top email marketing software.

For more details on Sendible Social Media Marketing software, head over to our Sendible review to see exactly what we think about this SMM service.

I’ve also written guide on all of the best Instagram tools to help increase your audience and engagement with your brand.
