Facebook Launches New Community Accelerator Program

Facebook is seeing positive engagement in groups, and as such, it’s been working over the last couple of years to maximize group engagement, and provide admins and community leaders with more tools to help improve their performance.

And this week, Facebook’s launched another initiative to further boost on-platform group activity, with a new “Community Accelerator” program which will provide support and training for community leaders to help them maximize their use of Facebook‘s tools to facilitate growth. 

As per Facebook:

“Today, we’re announcing the Community Accelerator, a six-month program for community leaders providing training, mentorship and funding to help them grow their communities. Selected community leaders will spend three months learning from experts, coaches and a customized curriculum to create a plan to grow their community and meet their goals. They’ll spend the next three months iterating and executing on their plan with funding and continued support from their network and a dedicated team provided through the program. Up to $3 million in total will be awarded to up to 80 program participants.”

Facebook Launches New Community Accelerator Program

The program, as noted, is part of Facebook’s increased focus on groups. Back in 2017, Facebook noted that more than a billion Facebook users were engaged in groups each month, with 100 million of them actively participating in what CEO Mark Zuckerberg called “very meaningful” groups.

“These are groups that upon joining, quickly become the most important part of our social network experience and an important part of our physical support structure.”

That presented an opportunity – with Facebook facing backlash over how its platform was used in the 2016 US Presidential election, focusing on groups would enable it to double-down on an aspect where engagement was growing, while also highlighting the social good that Facebook facilitates by connecting people around specific interests.

Read more: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/facebook-launches-new-community-accelerator-program-to-help-leaders-utilize/573856/