Should You Have A 4-Day Work Week?
Should You Have A 4-Day Work Week?, When Microsoft Japan released the results of their four day work week, the world noticed. Reporting a 40% increase in productivity, employees worked just four days but were paid their full five. In 2018, headlines were made when a New Zealand company, Perpetual Guardian, also put the four day work week to the test. Perpetual Guardian saw a 20% increase in productivity and a reported 45% increase in work/life balance, making the change permanent.
With technology at our disposal, our ability to be productive is at an all time high, but it’s our own habits and distractions that can derail our efforts. Having a four or even a three day work week may be the answer.
If you dream of having a shorter work week, here are a few things to consider:
1. A Bit More Planning
Jessica Greenwalt, founder of design firm, Pixelkeet, tells me, “Pixelkeet’s team members decide where they work, when they work, and how much time they want to devote to work. At the end of each week, our team members post the times they’re planning on being available the following week, and our project managers create the next week’s schedule and assign tasks according to the team’s availability.