Mindset Driven is so important for digital marketing
Why is Mindset-Driven Marketing so important for your digital marketing?
I’ve been defining the customer’s Mindset as the desires, concerns, and questions that they have when they set out on their buying journey. These desires, concerns, and questions are top of mind for them, and if you don’t address these burning issues, immediately, they will click away. That’s one thing all digital marketing efforts have in common: The customer reaction is immediate. You have nanoseconds to either attract them or lose them.
This puts marketing to the ultimate test. There is no time for luxuriating in breast-beating braggadocio.
Nothing should come between their quest for the very specific information they are looking for, and you providing that information. It’s not about you and your products and services. It’s about your customer’s desires, concerns, and questions.
This is what they want. We all know this, when we are buying things ourselves. It’s perfectly obvious to us, as buyers.
But as sellers, we almost always fall short. For example, this is not what our prospects see when they first come to our sites.
This reality came home to me, hard, going through a bunch of competitive sites with a client. Sites for companies selling the same thing our client is selling (a B2B service). They were ALL THE SAME. They all made the same claims; they all showed the same type of information; they all spoke marketing speak for “We are great. Here are all the reasons. Here’s the proof.”
Why does this happen? Because it’s easier to click around to competitive sites and “do what they’re doing” than it is to interview real customers and find out what they actually want your site to say. They want you to address their very specific desires, concerns, and questions, in all your sites and social and other campaigns.
Read more: customerthink