What you do as soon as you wake up can have a major effect on the actions you take and how you build your business.

Science tells us that when each of us wakes up, our brain operates at 10.5 wave cycles per second. The first 20 minutes after we wake up is called the alpha stage. It’s been called the gateway to the subconscious mind.

That time window is when your subconscious mind is most impressionable and soaks up information like a sponge. Whatever you hear, see or are exposed to in that first 20 minutes will affect you and set the tone for the rest of your day.

You have undoubtedly heard a lot of advice about how to start your day. There’s the conventional advice that has told us things like, “don’t check your social media and email when you wake up,” and so on. There are articles, podcasts and videos that all offer a secret strategy to start your day.

However, the importance of that first 20 minutes, and by consequence winning your day, goes deeper. What you do as soon as you wake up can have a major effect on the actions you take and how you build your business. It becomes a habit—good or bad. You get to decide.

Immerse yourself in the good stuff.

If you’ve ever tried to learn a new language, you’ve heard that immersion is the best learning style. The more you can be exposed to a new language, the more you’ll subconsciously pick it up. I learned Spanish in ten months while living in Colombia because I was immersed in it every day.

It works the same way with our minds, going after our business goals, and our motivation levels. The first 20 minutes of your day plays a major role and immersion can help you. You can use that time to fill your unconscious mind with all kinds of good stuff that helps you win your day and get more done.

The start of your day is a powerful time when you can immerse your mind in the things that help you become a better version of yourself, and as a result, a stronger entrepreneur. You can use that time for self-care and for the strategic planning elements of your business.

Build a good morning habit.

You can use that time to watch motivational videos that helps you overcome a self-limiting belief. Reading chapters in a book that’s teaching you something new about your business. Music that helps quiet your mind. Meditation, prayer, and practicing gratitude that centers you. Writing that helps get your vision on paper.

Use the start of your day to do the things that will set the tone for the rest of your day. Don’t get sidetracked by all the things you “have” to do. Yes, I get that life is busy but there’s time. You’ll be able to tackle those things more effectively once you’ve set your mind up from 20 minutes of immersion in the good stuff.

Use that first 20 minutes to get your mind right and get excited about the opportunity to live another day. Life is short. Your mindset will determine the actions you take to build your business. It’s the first step to accomplishing more and building a business that creates freedom.

Use that time when your subconscious mind is most powerful to fill it with the tools, energy, and direction that helps you live each day fully, and go to bed each night empty. Use that time to plan how you’ll experience explosive growth in your business. Use it to figure out your next moves.

This year can be incredible if you develop the right habits. Winning the start to your day will pay dividends as you start to take on more and your business grows. Avoid the things that can wait until later and that will set the wrong tone for your day. Only you know what those things are. Make the best choices for you and your business.



Source: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/326049