Develop A Purpose-Driven Business. It is business planning time. As a coach and strategist, I use the fourth quarter to help people get clear on their goals for the upcoming year.

Putting a business plan together is critical in building a purposeful and sustainable business practice. If you want to run an effective and tenacious business, you need to develop a plan of action. Here are some tips for creating a business plan to achieve your goals.

Put it in writing.

A goal without a written plan is just a dream. We need to write down our goals to make them real and to give us direction. When we take time to write our goals, not only does it allow us to really see them, but it also cements the goals into our unconscious mind. The unconscious mind can influence our behavior; it will look for solutions to make our message come true. If we want to achieve certain things we need to make sure those programs and visions are in our unconscious mind.

Develop A Purpose-Driven Business
Develop A Purpose-Driven Business

Create your vision. 

You need to create a vision for who it is you want to become. It is not about the specific goal but more about who you need to become to make your goals a reality.

Vision sets the stage for how you act, who you connect with and the habits and disciplines you need to cultivate.

In addition, your vision is your “why”; it is the rocket fuel that gets you up and excited in the morning. Your vision is the energy that sets your actions into play. We can get caught up in thinking of how we are going to accomplish something, and that can distract us from what we need to do.

Focusing on the “how” can cause us to lose momentum, increase fear and hold us back. We must know that the vision comes first and the “how” will come later. Once we are clear on where we want to go, we need to trust the process and let it come together.

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