Google: 6 Need States Influence Search Behavior

A research project by Google discovered a hidden way that consumer needs influenced search behavior. The researchers assert that these behaviors drive intent. Google concludes that marketers can drive more growth by tapping into these hidden need states.

This research was published in 2019, but somehow it did not get the attention it deserves. This article corrects that oversight.

Six Need States

Google’s research uncovered six need states. These need states are unlike anything else related to user intent.

Usually search intent is described as transactional, informational, navigational and so on. This is completely different.

These are underlying need states that drive search behavior.

Google’s six need states are:

  1. Surprise Me
  2. Help Me
  3. Reassure Me
  4. Educate Me
  5. Impress Me
  6. Thrill Me
Google: 6 Need States Influence Search Behavior

This is how Google describes what these need states are about:

“…it’s a qualitative and quantitative segmentation approach that uncovers the functional, social, and emotional drivers of consumer behavior within a given market.

At its core, it provides a framework for understanding why people make the decisions that they do, which, in turn, can reveal opportunities for brands and companies to (better) satisfy those underlying needs.”

Google classifies the six need states into three categories:

  1. Emotional needs
  2. Social needs
  3. Functional needs

Google asserts that decision making can be irrational and driven by how people feel.

Google’s research article provides the example of a fictional shampoo brand that has “reassuring” messages that makes a customer feel comfortable and safe. The brand does this with wording that communicates “how the product works“and other examples. I suppose messaging like “not tested on animals” would be appropriate for an organic type shampoo.

An example of the “Impress Me” need state would be celebrity endorsement and other glamorous types of messaging.

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