How to Win at Content Marketing to Generation Z
How to Win at Content Marketing to Generation Z. Marketers everywhere have spent years developing strategies and content to capture the attention of Millennials, whose ideals, desires, and buying habits have become familiar. Such in-depth knowledge is a win for the marketing community.
But a new challenge is on the horizon; actually, it’s already here, in our proverbial house, raiding the fridge.
I am of course referencing Generation Z. Its members are part of the youngest generation on the planet, with the oldest of them barely scraping past age 20, but they hold an estimated $143 billion in spending power.
Brands have been attempting to reach Gen Z in a multitude of ways, but a connection is almost impossible without incredible content. Not easy, I know, but here are some tips to make engagement more likely.
Digital is king
This deceased horse has suffered enough physical punishment, but the dominance of Digital is a point worth driving home for a few reasons.
Gen Z is the first generation that does not know a world without interconnected devices.
Laptops, smartphones, and tablets are all devices that you won’t find too far from their hands, allowing them to create bonds with people half a world away. Those connections with different people and cultures mean that diversity and inclusion are not just expectations but the default. Your content must therefore adhere to those standards. So avoid using words, slang, and imagery that are exclusionary. Word choice matters now more than ever.