Reason Why Wellness Initiatives Don’t Work
Reason Why Wellness Initiatives Don’t Work
In today’s modern business landscape, you must factor in diversity and inclusion to your wellness initiatives.
Today’s business landscape is stressful and competitive. With that in mind, companies are slowly recognizing that sleep and other wellness topics are pivotal to thriving in today’s corporate landscape.
While more companies are implementing wellness initiatives, the majority of these companies are getting less-than-ideal results because they’re not factoring in diversity and inclusion.
In today’s landscape, diversity and inclusion are a core ingredient in creating a sustainable wellness initiative.
What is diversity and inclusion and how does it go with wellness?
Diversity and inclusion is a popular topic in the modern business landscape. But distinguishing the difference between the two is difficult for many individuals and companies.
To help bring some clarification to the differences, I reached out to Tayo Rockson, a cross-cultural trainer along with being a diversity and inclusion consultant (and the host of the number one cross-cultural podcast, “As Told By Nomads”).
When it comes to diversity, Rockson describes it as “referring to demographic differences that distinguish one person from another. These differences go beyond visible differences, it’s also things we can’t see.”
In a wellness context, this is your employee’s specific language, education, and cultural upbringing about health topics.
Inclusion is “the state of being that supports diversity. It enables diverse individuals and groups to function in ways where differences are respected and gifts are valued. Inclusion is about involvement and empowerment” says Rockson.
As you create your wellness initiative, an effective manner of inclusion leads to your employees participating more in the decision-making process.
In summary, Rockson shared the analogy that “diversity is like a seed and inclusion is like the fruit. Most seeds don’t make it to the fruits stage because they haven’t been nourished properly. And if they aren’t nurtured properly, they won’t blossom.”
To ensure that your wellness initiative blossoms, implement these five key principles.