Self Management Skills

Self management sounds like being your own boss, but it doesn’t mean setting up your own business. In fact it means taking responsibility for your own actions and doing things as well as you can. It shows you are able to organise yourself and offer your own ideas to any project. It’s about being the boss of YOU, not the boss of a team or company!

Self Management Skills

Self management is about making a choice to do more than you need to, and it is a great skill to build for life and work.

The three key self management skills include:

  1. Initiative
  2. Organisation
  3. Accountability

MORE ABOUT ACCOUNTABILITY: If you say to yourself that you are accountable, it means that you take ownership of the responsibilities that come your way. You take pride in your work and want to do it well to get the best results possible. You can be justly proud of the task’s success, and you accept responsibility if it goes wrong.

If a task you are responsible for doesn’t go well, you will make it your personal mission to look for ways to improve next time or find a better way of completing the task using your problem solving skills. This is still accountability. It’s not about the task being successful or not – it’s about your attitude to the task.

Self Management is one of 5 top Young Professional skills

The 5 top life skills are self beliefcommunicationself managementteamwork and problem solving. Employers love them and so will you. They could change your life! Whatever your interests and background are, sign up to the weekly Young Professional newsletter and start boosting these skills for free today.

Why are its important?

Self management can make a huge difference to your life. Here’s how.

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