Tag: business

Top 20 Local Search Ranking Factors: An Illustrated Guide

First published in 2008 by David Mihm, the Local Search Ranking Factors survey of Local SEOs around the globe has become a high point in the year in local search. If you eagerly await this yearly report and comb through it for new insight, then the information in this guide may not come as news to you. I […]

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Google is looking for an ally in China to deliver its cloud services

Google Cloud CEO Diane Greene Greg Sandoval/Business Insider Google is reportedly looking for a partner to deliver cloud services to China. The report comes as Google is said to be preparing a version of its search engine for China — and that complies with government censorship rules. Microsoft and Amazon have already tapped local partners in […]

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The cofounder of a $23 million startup has been accused of taking off his pants and telling a lewd story about Burning Man in front of a female employee in a new lawsuit

Pilot AI cofounders Elliot English and Jonathan Su were named in a suit by former employee Rachel Moore, which accused the founders of sexual harassment and gender discrimination. Pilot AI A former female employee at the $23 million artificial intelligence startup Pilot AI filed a lawsuit against the company this week alleging sexual harassment from the […]

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