Tag: Google

Facebook, Google Have the Highest-Paid Internships

With a low unemployment rate and millions of job openings, today’s graduates and other entrants into the job market are benefiting from a favorable economy that allows them to be more discerning about the positions they accept. As a result, many companies are upping their entry-level compensation packages, offering larger payouts and better perks. But which entry-level positions and […]

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Alternatives to Google: Mojeek believes a truly independent and tracking-free search engine must be built from scratch

It has become something of a personal mission of mine to take some time to explore global alternatives to Google here at Search Engine Watch. This all began with my piece No need for Google and has continued with more in-depth studies into Ecosia, DuckDuckGo, Baidu and Yandex. Today, I want to turn my attention to Mojeek. This UK-based search engine which is aiming […]

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Eight shortcuts to find long tail keywords (and how to use them)

It’s tempting to go after broad, high-volume keywords with huge audiences (and equally huge competition). But there’s an equally large — albeit more distributed audience — to be reached by targeting lower-competition, long tail keywords. Imagine comets flying through the SEO solar system, if the most popular keywords make up the head of the comets […]

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