Tag: Google

Five tools for audience research on a tiny budget

When starting out a digital marketing program, you might not yet have a lot of internal data that helps you understand your target consumer. You might also have smaller budgets that do not allow for a large amount of audience research. So do you start throwing darts with your marketing? No way. It is critical […]

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A survival kit for SEO-friendly JavaScript websites

JavaScript-powered websites are here to stay. As JavaScript in its many frameworks becomes an ever more popular resource for modern websites, SEOs must be able to guarantee their technical implementation is search engine-friendly. In this article, we will focus on how to optimize JS-websites for Google (although Bing also recommends the same solution, dynamic rendering). The content […]

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Google, Facebook and Amazon Are the Only Winners in Ecommerce

Rising advertising costs means falling profits for the ecommerce advertisers. I have been a long-time fan of the ecommerce industry. As offline retailers were struggling to compete with online retailers, many large chains went out of business, and an increasing amount of consumer buying moved online. For a long time, ecommerce startups were printing money in what felt […]

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Why SERP Analysis is Crucial for SEO (Step by Step Guide)

There’s a popular misconception about keyword research: that the process ends when we’ve found the ideal balance between search volume and keyword difficulty. Newsflash: no, it doesn’t end there. There’s this thing called SERP analysis, which is an inseparable part of your keyword research, and if done correctly, can be a true game-changer. In short, SERP […]

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