Tag: Social Media

How to scale your social media marketing to build traffic and leads

Scaling is all about making repetitive tasks more productive to be able to focus on more creative things and experiments. I know a lot of people will cringe at the idea of scaling social media marketing because it is supposed to be all about human connections. There are also many people who don’t believe you can attract […]

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Facebook is a local search engine. Are you treating it like one?

As soon as Facebook launched its Graph Search in 2013, it was only a matter of time before it became a big player in the search engine game. But Graph Search was limited as far as optimization was concerned. The results it returned focused on providing an answer on the relationships between people, places, and things on […]

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Four ways to use webinar marketing for reputation management

Webinar marketing has been gaining popularity for a few years now. There are plenty of reasons for that: webinars improve social media engagement, help with brand loyalty, create linkable assets, build lead generation lists, and many more. But one effort webinars can particularly helpful for is reputation management. 1. Associate your brand name with prominent niche influencers When […]

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Seven best tools to find influencers on social media

Influencer marketing has been one of the hottest marketing tactics for a while. It only seems logical that we had influencer marketing long before the invention of social media. The internet simply made influencer marketing much more targeted and available even for smaller brands. Blogging and vlogging on social media allow influencers to find a loyal […]

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