The Power of Influence Hidden Behind Cartoons
Animation in Digital Marketing: The Power of Influence Hidden Behind Cartoons
Videos are the most versatile content type interacting with the human psyche. We, humans, perceive the information from the video at the audial and visual levels simultaneously. It gives us a more comprehensive view of the subject and a better understanding of the key message.
In the current pandemic conditions, the video has become an even more compelling way to interact with the audience in the digital space. It affects our emotions, feelings, thoughts and encodes a certain attitude towards some brands, products, and services. Does it sound a little bit frightening? Maybe, but that’s the actual influence of video content saturating our social networks, news websites, web magazines, and other spots on the web.
With the popularity of videos on the rise, marketers can’t ignore them as powerful tools for audience engagement anymore. On the contrary, they should learn about using them in digital marketing masterfully and be well-aware of the best video marketing practices.
Animated Videos. Almost Everyone Loves Them

Animation has been one of the most favorite content types before, and it still is gaining momentum now. Brands across different industries incorporate animated videos in marketing on social media, their positioning on other online places, and even show them on large screens at shopping malls. These companies have already experienced all the real benefits of animated videos for business. Cartoons have been, are, and always will be loved by the audience because they remind us of sweet childhood, make us think of the good, and give us fun.
Animation as a Trust-Building Component in Emotional Branding
We trust animated short commercials because it seems that they don’t sell anything like ordinary cartoons. We believe that they are a kind of entertainment rather than a marketing campaign because they are funny and raise our mood. We trust them because we believe that the Good always wins the Evil, and cartoons are the most obvious demonstration. We believe that every story has a happy end like in cartoons.
We got used to happy ends. We believe that the happy end will happen without our involvement because this is the norm of our daily routine. Is it always the reality indeed, or does somebody try to teach humanity that everything is good and the happy end is the norm?
We do create every happy end. Or not. It’s everyone’s choice and right. And if we give up using this right, then someone else will use it instead of us. Brands should leave the right to choose for their potential customers and be unobtrusive in their video-advertising.
The Hidden Power to Affect Opinions (Whether It Sounds Bad or Good)

Every stick has both ends. Video marketing has them too. Videos, in particular, animated commercials, are powerful means of transferring and landing information into human minds. On the one hand, you can use them to manipulate the opinion, shape the attitude toward things through marketing (or rather psychological) mechanisms, distract from the by-products through entertaining elements, and emphasize the sexiest product aspects instead.
On the other hand, brands can use video-content as a powerful tool to build something bigger behind public opinion about their products. Short commercials can deliver a double message to customers: the first layer can unobtrusively promote the product. The second one can aim to evoke kindness, humanism, and tolerance towards others. This is how companies can promote their commercial value and the more subtle values important for everyone at the same time. With the video-marketing, you can kill two birds with one stone: increase audience engagement and contribute to the global educational process to teach people about empathy and compassion.
Read more: www.business2community.com